Detection of transgenic events

Many commercially available soybean, maize and cotton varieties and hybrids have one or more transgenic events. These transgenes confer useful properties to cultivars, such as insect resistance and herbicide tolerance. The use of this technology may be subject to royalties charged by the franchisor.
Real time PCR (qPCR) is a technique that allows the detection and quantification of transgenic events in a given sample. The protocol encompasses total DNA extraction from each sample and subsequent amplification of transgene-specific DNA sequences. Data analysis enables to quantify the number of copies of each transgenic event with high precision, and thus determine the proportion of the sample that carries this DNA modification.
Our protocol meets the strict European standards. Transgenic events are detected using TaqMan, the most sensitive technique available that is based on specific fluorochrome-labeled samples. We detect and quantify the main transgenic events available on the market, and we provide transgenic-free product certification.
A precise, quantitative assessment also allows controlling potential cross-contamination during seed storage and detecting transgenic lots that may be subject to royalty fees.
The Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange Arbitration Chamber (CABC) currently offers this new genetic tool.
For more information:
Laboratorio de Semillas de la CABC
(011) 4311-6020